Improving lives to create a better world.
The Mejor Mundo Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization in the process of applying for nonprofit 501c)(3) status for federal (IRS) income tax and section 1101.01(a)(2) (A) for Puerto Rico income tax purposes.
Our Story
Why The Mejor Mundo Foundation?
The idea was hatched in 2006, when my younger brother David O’Drobinak died. For those who know me, I do not take defeat well, and it took me quite a lot of time to rationalize this loss. Once I did, I figured it was incumbent on me to pick up where Dave's time on Earth ran short, specifically:
Find ways to help people with their health care. As best I could observe at the time, Dave was not blessed with the best care in his last days. As a result, I vowed to devote my career to seeing that people were given the best health care that was possible, under the various circumstances in their life. My daytime job is testimony to that vocation.
Find ways to help with their struggles in life. Dave suffered from a number of ailments in his life, ones that were difficult to pinpoint at the time, although social health needs have become much clearer in life, in recent years. I vowed to find a way to help life’s struggling combatants with solutions to better find their path in life, with a smile on their face, to enjoy the journey that is life. Because as we all know, no one is guaranteed tomorrow.
The Mejor Mundo Foundation is this second vow.
The vows came together with the help of the great Dr. Marelli Colon Emeric, whose faith, patience and smile gave me the confidence to start Mejor Mundo. Please join with us, with a smile on your face, to help create a better world by improving one life at a time.
Jim O’Drobinak
Our mission is rooted in a deep commitment to improve the world we live in.
The Mission of the Mejor Mundo Foundation is to create a better world for individuals and communities in need, through assistance with their physical, mental, and social health, to allow for improved independence and joy in their lives.
Together, we create a better world by improving one life at a time.
Why The Logo?
For this, I give credit to Enrique Peral Emeric and Cristian Soto Colon, for their artistic, creative and technological genius. The hands are portrayed in different sizes (ages) and colors (the diverse world we live in), and are interlocked as a circle, which is considered a symbol of unity (for the various ages and the diverse people who populate our world) . The circle is also the symbol of infinity, without beginning or end, perfect, the ultimate geometric symbol. Although we all know tomorrow isn’t a given on earth, we sure can hope the after life is eternal.
Why Green? Everyone in Puerto Rico knows that, because it has to be green if you really want to take good care of people…and if you look real closely, you might even say the logo actually looks like an O with an apostrophe, as a nod to the “Little O”, who gave me the motivation to do this.